Now accepting requests. Limited spaces available.
Send us your commission request for consideration. We'll be in touch with any follow-up questions in a few days.
After we work out the details with you, your piece will be created in approximately 3-4 months. No deposit required.
View your custom painting for the first time. We are confident that you will love it which is why we offer a 100% guarantee.
Art that tells your story
Ever dreamed of commissioning an artist to paint a custom piece of fine art for yourself or a personalized gift?
Experience the joy of custom original art, meticulously hand-painted using oil on canvas by Waterloo-based artist Jonathan Munz.
With over 20 years of experience and very happy collectors, our tried and true commission process has been designed to be an stress-free experience for our clients as well as the artist.
We are currently accepting commission requests for 2024 with limited spaces still available.
Email us your request
Do you have a photo/s you would like Jonathan to consider painting?
Would you like us to find a reference photo for a special place or subject?
Are you interested in one of Jonathan’s existing originals and would like something similar?
The more details you can share the better, but we are also here to help you out along the way! Let us know by email (or, we like phone calls too) if you have any special requests such as budget, specific size, orientation or timelines.
Get in touch with us
PAINTBYMUNZY@GMAIL.COMReference photos + Munzy paintings
More Information
Sizes and Pricing
We do not accept any form of payment until your painting is complete and we know that you love it. Please note that we do offer any custom size in addition to the popular sizes listed below. Prices do not include HST or shipping.16" X 24" $87512" X 36" $97518" X 36" $146020" X 30" $135024" X 36" $195024" X 48" $260030" X 45" $305036" X 36" $290036" X 48" $390048" X 48" $5200Diptych - 2 Panel20" X 30" $270024" X 36" $390030" X 45" $610012" X 36" $195018" X 36" $292024" X 48" $5200Triptych - 3 Panel20" X 30" $405024" X 36" $585030" X 45" $915012" X 36" $292518" X 36" $438024" X 48" $7800 -
Production time varies based on availability and painting size. On average your commission painting will be completed in 3 to 4 months. If you have a deadline to meet, we are always happy to try to accommodate special requests. -
Our gallery offers fine art canvas prints of all of Jonathan’s paintings including commissioned works. If you would like your painting to be exclusively yours, it will be subject to additional fees. If you would like reproductions made of your commissioned painting (often clients use them as gifts) we will be happy to accommodate your requests.
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